Minors in Possession / Alcohol Awareness Classes

Since many teens, today need more help than ever, our Underage Alcohol/Drug educational program targets minors and people under 21. Designed by licensed and experienced experts in the drug and alcohol addiction field, our 8, 12, 16, and 20-hour classes will teach participants how to estimate their biological risk (risks they cannot change), and based on that risk, what behaviors are low risk – both now and for the future. Students learn specific, individualized, evidence-based, age-appropriate quantity, and frequency guidelines for alcohol use that reduce the risk for all alcohol-related problems.

These classes contain engaging and stimulating content ideal for minors who would like to meet their personal, court, legal, and school requirements. PRIME FOR LIFE Alcohol/Drug Education Prevention Classes: is the mandated Alcohol/Drug Educational Prevention class in the State of Tennessee. This program is researched evidence-based and is presented by licensed and trained instructors and is licensed by the Tennessee Department of Health.


Classes will be held on every Saturday except for some holidays. Our schedule normally runs 9:00am-11:00am.


If you miss your scheduled appointment, we can reschedule you for another available class. Clients receive a certificate upon completion of all curriculum.